Anton Belyaev

Technical Lead

As a dedicated and passionate developer, I thrive on designing innovative applications and crafting high-quality code. My enthusiasm particularly lies in Test-Driven Development (TDD) and the Testing Trophy approach.

My main tech stack includes Java, Spring Boot, and Kafka. I am passionate about TDD and the Testing Trophy approach, with a preference for integration tests. In recent years, my efforts have been focused on improving the testing experience within the Spring Boot. My publications on industry-specific platforms describe practices for improving this experience.

Вот исправленный текст:

Август 2024

Проект: Миграция на новую CRM, определённый набор фичей, строгий дедлайн в 1 месяц.

Задача: Проработка технического решения по реализации интеграции с новым CRM и миграции данных со старого. Основной код интеграции с API новой CRM, архитектура сервиса, базовый набор модулей. Разработка бизнес-фичей по созданию лидов и конвертации. Ревью кода разработчиков команды.

Стек: Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, PostgreSQL

Комментарий: успешно реализован; сервис с высоким покрытием тестов, низкое число багов.

Сентябрь 2022 - 2024

Проект: Оптимизация эффективности разработчиков

Задача: Разработка подходов к написанию интеграционных тестов по модели Testing Trophy. Подходы к тестированию с Kafka.

Стек: Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, PostgreSQL

Комментарий: реализованные методы и подходы привели к увеличению покрытия кода тестами до 80-90% в ключевых сервисах компании. Опубликованы статьи на Habr и примеры реализации.


Проект: Микросервис торговых счетов клиента

Задача: Проработка технического решения по выносу функциональности торговых счетов клиента из монолита в микросервис. Основной код интеграции сервиса с монолитом и Kafka, архитектура сервиса, базовый набор модулей. Механизмы регистрации счетов в микросервисе. Изначально multi-tenant решение с возможностью шардирования.

Стек: Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, PostgreSQL

Комментарий: успешно реализован.


Проект: KYC и GRC сервисы

Задача: Проработка технического решения по выносу функциональности профиля и верификации профиля клиента из монолита в микросервис. Интеграция с сервисами проверки личности. Основной код интеграции с API, архитектура сервиса, базовый набор модулей.

Стек: Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, PostgreSQL


Libertex Group - Technical Lead - september 2022 - Present

Optimizing Developer Efficiency: Consistently improve developer workflows by implementing and enhancing testing processes, including automated tests and other projects, significantly boosting development efficiency. Established development standards for sprint processes involving Kafka and testing. The methods and approaches implemented led to an increase in code coverage by tests to 80-90%.

Consistent Leadership in Development: Successfully led development teams on multiple occasions, ensuring reliable and predictable project execution.

Successful CRM Migration Project: Completed a CRM migration project within 4 weeks, code writing, managing a team of 4 developers, 3 testers, and a DevOps engineer. The project included data migration and the integration of a new service.

Libertex Group - Head of CI/CD sub-stream during Engineering Transformation - августа 2022 - сентября 2022

Joined the CI/CD sub-stream in its advanced stages of an engineering transformation in August 2022. Leveraging my expertise, I rejuvenated and spearheaded the initiative:

  • Introduced strategies to expedite software release cycles, ensuring timely and risk-reduced updates.
  • Reinforced a high and unwavering standard of Quality Assurance.
  • Unified CI/CD processes across all IT components for seamless operations and cost efficiency. Thanks to these pivotal interventions, I steered the previously stagnant process towards a successful completion.

Libertex Group - Head of Developers during Engineering Transformation - июня 2022 - сентября 2022

As the leader of the Developers (branching strg) sub-stream during our company’s pivotal engineering transformation, I drove forward-focused software engineering practices, enhancing team agility and product scalability. Key accomplishments and responsibilities included:

  • Architecting and implementing advanced branching strategies.
  • Championing feature isolation to ensure streamlined workflows and reduced inter-team dependencies.
  • Standardizing feature toggle naming conventions, fostering consistency across the developer team.
  • Defining high-level requirements for CI/CD, aligning them with developer stream objectives.
  • Emphasizing the importance of a robust testing pyramid, ensuring optimal test coverage at all levels of development. This experience not only enhanced our development processes but also fortified my leadership skills, strategic vision, and collaborative capabilities in a fast-evolving tech environment.

Libertex Group - Squad leader - october 2020 - september 2022

My responsibility:

  • Designing, implementing, and supporting high available evolvable services (java, spring, drools, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Docker, spock).
  • Defining of back-end architecture.
  • Analyzing and decomposing business tasks.
  • Translating business requirements into technical solutions.
  • Supervising developers.
  • Building and leading a new squad for KYC and Risk responsibility. Managing, culture building, helping business to achieve the needs.

Under my guiding team, regularly become a winner in companies-wide KPI competition - we have managed to decrease story release cycle time (from taking to the work to release) from 1-2 weeks to 3-4 days.

Improving the development approach in direction of “evolvable” services made our services more feasible to comprise more functionality continuously without degradation. I’ve managed to put services in shape to decrease incidents to a few per month.

Libertex Group - Senior Software Developer - февраля 2015 - октября 2020

My responsibility:

  • Designing, implementing, and supporting high available evolvable services (java, spring, drools, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Docker, spock)
  • Defining back-end architecture
  • Analyzing and decomposing business tasks
  • Translating business requirements into technical solutions Regularly taking a leading role in company-wide feature discoveries. Was succeeded in providing a solution for migration company from ActiveMQ to Kafka.

Libertex Group - Software Developer - ноября 2011 - февраля 2015

Implementing and supporting java applications


Алтайский Государственный Технический Университет / Altai State Technical University Специалист, Информационные системы в экономике · (2003 - 2008)

Licenses & certifications

Machine Learning Coursera Course Certificates Issued Dec 2016 Credential ID R43S94FAZMML

My publications


English - Professional working proficiency Russian - Native or bilingual proficiency
