import io.vertx.core.Vertximport io.vertx.core.http.RequestOptionsimport spock.lang.Specificationimport spock.util.concurrent.AsyncConditionsclass AsyncExampleSpec extends Specification { def "Async request for should return proper page content"() { given: "An async HTTP client" def client = Vertx.vertx().createHttpClient() and: "Some HTTP request options" def opts = new RequestOptions() opts.ssl = true opts.port = 443 = '' opts.URI = '/' and: "An instance of AsyncConditions" def async = new AsyncConditions(1) // Create the instance of AsyncConditions which will expect 1 async operation when: "The web site is requested" client.getNow(opts, { res -> // This Closure is handling the async results from the HTTP request async.evaluate { // The async.evaluate closure resolves the AsyncCondition res.statusCode() == 200 } }) then: "Expect the result to be completed in the specified time" async.await(5.5) // If the AsyncCondition is not resolved in 5.5 seconds, the test fails. }}