Simon VV 2 года назад (изменено) Notes I made during this presentation (just a dump, might be useful to some):

  • Test requirements, not low level
  • Test public API. Given when then
  • Test the exports from a module
  • Focus on higher-level
  • Test modules, not class
  • Refactoring is needed to see what is implementation and what is exports from module
  • Test behaviours
  • Think about your code as an api
  • Test the abstraction, not the implementation
  • Test are isolated and with shared fixture (to run quickly)
  • Red-green-refactor (go fast to working code)
  • No new tests during refactoring
  • Heavy coupling is the problem with all software
  • Thin public api
  • Refactoring = changing internals
  • Patterns in the refactoring
  • If you’re not really sure, write tests for implementation (delete the tests)
  • Not classes, behaviours
  • Don’t isolate classes in testing
  • Private methods (these are implementation details)
