
  • stateless rules evaluation!!!

Cloud-native solution for business rules. With full support of legacy drools api.

Знакомство https://blog.kie.org/2021/09/bringing-drools-rules-into-the-cloud-with-kogito-a-step-by-step-path.html

Kogito replaces Drools in this setup, and when used alongside the kogito-legacy-api, it allows for the continued use of the same Drools 7 API. Consequently, there’s no need to modify the rules mentioned previously. All the corresponding tests provided were also successful. Performance using org.kie.kogito - https://kogito.kie.org/.

Cloud-native solution for business rules. With full support of legacy drools api. Kogito includes components that are based on well-known business automation KIE projects, specifically Drools, jBPM, and OptaPlanner, to offer dependable open source solutions for business rules, business processes, and constraint solving. The primary Java frameworks that Kogito supports are Quarkus (recommended) and Spring Boot.

https://blog.kie.org/2021/09/bringing-drools-rules-into-the-cloud-with-kogito-a-step-by-step-path.html https://kogito.kie.org/ https://docs.kogito.kie.org/1.20.0/html_single/

